Prior Information
It is important that you understand the following before continuing:
This questionnaire has been designed for use as a method to collect primary research for an
English Language A-Level Course. You have no obligation to answer any of the questions in this
questionnaire and you are fully within your rights to withdraw your answers at any time. If you
choose to give information however, the information you provide will be used for no other
purpose, kept strictly confidential and will be deleted after its appropriate use. You will remain
anonymous throughout the entirety of this process.
• Answer open questions fully in the boxes provided and with necessary detail.
• Answer multiple choice questions by drawing a clear line through your chosen box.
• Please complete the following questions to the best of your ability and knowledge.
1) What is your occupation?
2) What do you understand to be the definition of the word ‘ethnicity’?
3) What ethnicity would you describe yourself as?
☐ Arab
☐ Asian or Asian British – Indian
☐ Asian or Asian British – Pakistani
☐ Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi
☐ Asian or Asian British – any other Asian background
☐ Black or Black British – Caribbean
☐ Black or Black British – African
☐ Black or Black British – any other Black background
☐ Chinese
☐ Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
☐ Mixed – White and Black African
☐ Mixed – White and Asian
☐ Mixed – Any other mixed background
☐ White – British
☐ White – Irish
☐ White – any other White background
☐ Any other ethnic origin group
4) What age bracket would you put yourself in?
☐ 15-16 ☐ 31-40
☐ 17-18 ☐ 41-50
☐ 19-20 ☐ 51-60
☐ 21-30 ☐ 61+
5) To what degree would you concur with the following statement; ‘The Queen’s English is the
correct English and all other derivations of this are improper and incorrect’.
☐ Whole-heartedly
☐ Strongly
☐ Greatly
☐ Moderately
☐ Somewhat
☐ Slightly
☐ Not at all
6) Do you think that immigration has had an effect on the English language? If so, please
outline who/where has had the greatest effect and to what extent this effect can be seen.
7) From your own personal experience do you feel that the Afro-Caribbean Dialect has had
much of an influence on the English language as a whole? Please answer in detail.
8) Do you think that the use of modern language features (such as emojis) is enhancing or
destroying language?
9) Describe in the greatest possible detail what you would consider to be ‘Standard English’
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