Data Analysis
I have conducted a questionnaire for use as a primary data collection method in order to answer the task question. It consisted of a number of strategically formed questions in order to both obtain accurate information about the subject question, and the about the sample themselves (to determine whether their answers were likely to be accurate and well informed or less valid). I made sure to outline that the sample had no obligation to participate, that their data would be kept confidential and that their anonymity would be maintained throughout; as can be seen in the prior information section on the questionnaire below.
About the sample
The entirety of the sample I collected data from were between 15 and 18 and were all students. However, this simple factor could limit the accuracy of any conclusion drawn because the sample is not fully educated and are arguably unable to make valid judgement. As can be seen from the relevant table, the majority (90.5%) of the sample described themselves as ‘White - British’. This may also be another limiting factor as the sample may not be in the same social groups as those from other ethnicities. Therefore, it is possible that they have not experienced language influence from those of other ethnic backgrounds.
One of the questions included in the questionnaire was as follows; ‘What do you understand to be the definition of the word ethnicity?’. I used this question to gain an idea of the sample’s understanding of the word ethnicity but also to gauge how accurate their answers to other questions are likely to be. I put the sample’s answers into a pie chart to allow easy visual comparison between the different categories.
Some thought it was to do with skin colour and geographical origins which is a fair and legitimate assumption to make as they are both linked to culture and in themselves. A few of the sample also thought it was to do with social background and religion which is not entirely true but is clear where the links have come from as they are both also linked to culture.
Another of the questions was about ‘standard english’. The question was as follows; To what degree would you concur with the following statement; ‘The Queen’s English is the correct English and all other derivations of this are improper and incorrect’.
Overall there is no clear correlation in opinion about whether the Queen’s English is correct or not. It can be seen however (from the graph on the left) that the majority of the sample said they felt in moderate agreement with the statement.
I then directly asked the sample whether they thought that Afro-Caribbean dialect has had an influence on the English language as a whole. I found that 38% said that they disagreed, 29% agreed and 33% said that they were either unsure or were felt there was little effect. These results show that there is a very inconclusive view towards the effects of Afro-Caribbean dialect on English language. Thus the only logical conclusion that can be drawn would be that there is no real conclusive view regarding the Afro-Caribbean dialect influence on English language.
In order to gauge how much of the sample were open to new developments in language I asked the following question; ‘Do you think that the use of modern language such as emojis is enhancing or destroying language’. I found that 14% thought that it was having little/no effect, another 14% thought it was having both positive and negative effects, 24% thought it was having a positive effect and that 48% thought that it was having a negative effect. These mixed responses could be interpreted as being that 48% of the sample were ‘closed minded’ to having alterations to English language. Consequently, their answers to other questions may have been biased.
Finally, I asked the sample to describe what they would consider to be ‘Standard English’. This too brought about quite mixed results. The graph below shows my findings. The first conclusion to be drawn is that 24% of the sample were not able to answer the question as they did not know. This is an interesting figure because if people do not know what standard english is then surely they are unable to give accurate answers to the rest of the questions. Also, the majority of the sample thought that standard English is to do with (clear and coherent) pronunciation or accent. This is also incorrect as language and dialect must be viewed as separate concepts. Pronunciation and accent is relevant to dialect not language and so is not relevant to the question.
By Myles Chamberlain